
學習頻道    來源: 愛孚迪(上海)制造系統      2024-07-20         

FFT于2004年進軍中國市場,成立愛孚迪 (上海) 制造系統工程有限公司,坐落于上海著名的“安亭汽車城”,迄今為止我們已經有超過300名的專業(yè)工程師。
The FFT Group, whose head office was founded in Fulda, Germany in1974, has more than 1100 professional engineers all over the world. 
FFT entered the Chinese market in 2004 and established FFT Production Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., which is located in the famous Anting Automobile City. Until now FFT Shanghai has more than 300 professional engineers.
According to the requirements of our customers, FFT offers turn-key service for the design and supply of complete systems for body in white and assembly plants. The service range includes project management, planning, design, simulation, plant implementation, pilot series and launch support, quality assurance and after sales service. FFT also offers system solutions and products, including roller hemming, image processing, laser technology, gluing and filling technology and welding and joining technology.
Mechanical Design Engineer機械設計工程師 (10名)
Main Tasks & Responsibility:
· BIW fixture design
· Design task schedule tracking
· Responsible for designing a medium difficulty station independently
· 車身焊裝夾具設計
· 設計項目進度跟蹤
· 獨立負責中等難度以上單個工位設計
Quality Engineer質量工程師 (5名)
Main Tasks & Responsibility:
· According to the measuring standard, measure a fixture,  
· According to the measuring standard, make measuring reports and shim-reports.
· Report to site QM responsible or site leader,
· Document and handover all quality reports to site leader and team leader.
· Analysis of supplier measurement report and find out the problem, and then report and solve the problem.
· Supplier manufacturer schedule and quality control, and real-time reporting supplier manufacturer status
· Support site managers to solve the problem of the quality of the scene fixture.
· 根據測量標準,測量夾具
· 根據測量標準,提供測量報告
· 做一些相關的現場質量管理工作,匯報給現場經理/主管
· 質量報告文檔的管理,提報
· 分析供應商的測量報告并找出問題,并且提出解決問題的方案
· 供應商生產計劃的管控和質量控制,實時匯報供應商生產狀態(tài)
· 協助現場經理解決現場設備的質量問題
Welding Engineer焊接工程師 (5名)
Main Tasks & Responsibility:
· Make commissioning for welding controller;
· Communicate with robot engineer for bus commissioning and interface;
· Solve hardware and software problem by himself; 
· Setup welding parameter for projects;
· Attend meeting with customer about welding quality and optimize it;
· Establish welding parameter table according to customer standard and process.
· 對焊接控制器進行編程
· 與機器人工程師共同溝通參數設置以及交互界面
· 獨立解決硬件和軟件方面的問題
· 調試焊裝參數
· 與客戶溝通,一起解決和優(yōu)化焊接質量
· 根據客戶的標準和流程,建立焊接參數表
Project Buyer 項目采購 (3名)
Main Tasks & Responsibility:
· Manage to achieve department target based on the assignment from Manager
· Database creation according to purchasing record and Frame Agreement
· Support the sourcing activity to develop more potential suppliers
· 根據經理的任務分配完成部門目標
· 根據采購記錄和框架協議建立數據庫
· 協助開發(fā)更多潛質供應商
Robot Engineer機器人工程師(3名)
Main Tasks & Responsibility:
· Follow-up customer standards
· Make robot offline programming
· Commissioning system by pre-assembly and onsite building site
· Save program by backup and handover later daily work to building site manager or team leader
· Setting welding parameter, Tucker parameter and other application
· Upgrade robot documentation and line instruction and handover to Building Site Manager
· Prepare training documentation in customer standards
· Held robot training for customer employee
· 能時時更進客戶的標準
· 能進行機器人離線編程
· 能進根據預裝配在工地的現場對系統進行調試 
· 通過備份和移交日常工作安排給工地經理和部門主管來跟進整個工作流程
· 設置焊接參數,塔克參數和其他相關應用程序的參數
· 更新機器人相關文件和生產線要求并將其移交給工地經理
· 根據客戶的要求來準備相應的培訓文件
· 為客戶的員工組織相關的機器人培訓
Project Engineer項目工程師 (3名)
Main Tasks & Responsibility:
· Technical responsible and management assistance for Project manager
· Technical coordinator between internal design team and suppliers
· Technical specification for contract with sub-suppliers
· Technical communication with customer during project.
· Coordinate and solve the problems caused by the project
· Technical leading on site, responsible for mechanical and process modification 
· 為項目經理提供技術支持和管理協助
· 設計團隊和供應商之間的技術溝通
·  為供應商的采購合同制定技術協議
·  項目過程中與客戶進行技術交流
·  協調解決項目出現的問題
·  現場的技術負責人,負責機械和工藝的更改和優(yōu)化



活動中心432 詳見 2013-11-3 14:00:00

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