
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 17xuexiba 惠州一模      2024-07-20         




【解答】36﹣40   EBDFA

36.E 考查上下文理解判斷能力.根據(jù)下文Conditions vary from mood swings to anxiety,irritability,nervousness and tiredness可知,情緒從焦慮,易怒,緊張和疲勞不斷變化.前文應(yīng)是:忍受它就會(huì)導(dǎo)致一系列的健康問題.故選E.

37.B 考查上下文理解判斷能力.根據(jù)下文提到每2﹣3小時(shí)吃點(diǎn)食物,即時(shí)常吃點(diǎn)食物.故選B.

38.D 考查上下文理解判斷能力.根據(jù)下文Balancing blood sugar is essential in lowering stress和In this case,your blood sugar will be steady可知,血糖穩(wěn)定,情緒也就穩(wěn)定.故選D.

39.F 考查上下文理解判斷能力.根據(jù)下文Many studies show that laughter boosts our energy,decreases stress hormones,improves immunity and lessens pains可知,大笑可增加精力,降低壓力,提高免疫力及減少痛苦.即:大笑是最好的藥.故選F.

40.A 考查上下文理解判斷能力.最好一段談到在規(guī)律的鍛煉,比如早上跑步,晚上進(jìn)行輕微活動(dòng)等.故選A.


41.There is a kind of guys you'd rather hate and Kevin is among them.He is always in a good mood and always has something (41) C  to say.When asked how he was doing,he would reply,"If I were any better,I'd be twins!"He was a natural (42) D。

One day I asked him how he did it.Kevin replied,"Each morning I say to myself,‘Kevin,you have two choices today.You can choose to be in a good mood or in a bad mood.'I choose to be in a good mood.Each time something bad (43) A ,I can choose to be a (an)(44) B  or to learn from it.I choose to learn from it."

"It isn't that (45) D。"I protested.

"Yes it is,"Kevin said."Life is all about(46) A .You choose how you (47) B  to situations.You choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood.The(48) A  line is:You're your choice how you live life."

Several years later,Kevin was (49) D  in a serious accident,(50) B off 60feet from a communication tower.I saw him when he was (51) C  from the hospital with rods placed in his back.I asked him what had (52) B  his mind as the accident took place."It was the (53) D  of my soon﹣to﹣born daughter,"Kevin replied."Then,I remembered I had two choices:I could choose to live or I could choose to die.I chose to live."

"Weren't you scared?"

"The doctors and nurses were great.They kept telling me I was going to be (54) A。瓸ut when they (55) D  me into the operation room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses,I got (56) C  scared.In their eyes,l read‘He's a(57) B  man.'I knew I needed to take action.When one nurse asked me shouting if I was (58) A  to anything and waited for my reply,I took a deep breath and yelled,‘Gravity.'

Over their laughter,I told them,‘I'm choosing to live.Operate on me as if I am alive,not dead.'"

Kevin lived.I learned from him that every day we have a choice to live (59) D .Attitude is (60) C。

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