
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來(lái)源: 平頂山九年級(jí)三模      2024-07-20         






1-5CBCBA   6-10CBAAB  11-15CBABA  16-20CEDAB  


 21-25 ABDCA  26-30DDAAD  31-35BADBC


36-40CA BBC     41-45DCACB


46-50.BDBCB   51-55 CBCAD

 56-60CBADB   61-65CEADB


66.drove  67.bird  68.other   69.thinking  70. my 71. farmer 72.how  73.hard  74. first  75.himself   


76.What kind of school will you go to?等

77.my grades are not good.等

78.What can I learn in such a school?等

79.That’s right.等

80.Wish you a wonderful future.等



       Making model planes  leaves me a deep impression


      I have taken part in many outdoor activities during the past three years.Some of them have left me deep impression,especially making plane models.

      One day,Mr.Ma told us to Room 202 to make model planes.After class, I went there and took the parts of a model plane to fix it.Soon I made one,unluckily it couldn’t fly.I was a little worried and tried another time,it failed again,I was very sad.Just at that time,a student came to me and told me the skills of fixing,with his help ,I fixed one and succeeded in flying.

     By making model planes I learn that no matter what I do ,I must keep doing it even though it fails again and again.Besides it is important for members to help each other . 

英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)  http://www.e-deep.com.cn/english/
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