
學習頻道    來源: 溫州市第六十一中學      2024-07-20         


II. 英語知識運用及寫作 (滿分90分)
閱讀下面句子, 選出最佳選項, 并在答題卡上將該選項標號涂黑。
11. There was ________ time _________the English language was based more on German.
    A. a; that            B. the; that            C. a; when         D. the; when
12. ----It is true that he is in trouble at this moment. But I don’t think he will give up.
----I quite agree with you. He is a ________________person.
A. hard-working    B. calm    C. reliable     D. determined 
13. ----Sorry, I have broken your bike. ----I’ll try to get it _______.
A. repaired           B. to repair            C. repairing           D. to be repaired
14. Please __________ the numbers and I’m sure they will __________ more than 1, 000.
A. add to; add to      B. add up; add up  
C. add up; add up to     D. add to; add up 
15. Although she is stubborn, sometimes she is really easy ____________.
A. to be get along with                   B. getting along with 
C. to get along with                     D. being got along with 
16. ---- We are having a party this evening.
   ---- __________. 
A. All right     B. Best wishes    C. Have fun   D. Happy to hear that
17. The children asked her mother ______________ go out to play tennis.
A. that he could          B. if he could
C. if could he           D. that could he
18. It was in the lab __________ my father did the experiment yesterday evening. 
    A. that              B. since            C. which       D. before 
19. We are happy that the project has been finished ahead of _______.
  A. apartment         B. schedule        C. item              D. forecast 
20. Believe it or not, there is no such thing __________ “standard English”.
  A. for            B. like           C. as         D. being 
21. Liu Hulan was so brave that she showed no signs of _____ to the enemy even under torture(拷問) .  
A. giving in     B. giving up       C. giving out   D. giving off 
22.---Be quick! The mid-term exam _________. I must leave for school now.
  ----No rush. The bus _______ at 7:20, so there is enough time left.
A. comes; leaves   B. is coming; leaves   C. comes; leaving   D. is coming; is leaving
23. Many of them ignored his advice, _______ they knew it to be very useful.
A. as if       B. because of    C. even though   D. so that
24. A number of books in the library ____ been stolen so that the number of them ____ smaller 
   than before.
 A. has, are         B. has, is     C. have, is           D. have, are    
25. The maths teacher told the naughty boys _____ so much noise in class. 
 A. not making      B. not to make    C. don’t make       D. didn’t make
26. His wife ________him to stop smoking, but he didn’t listen.  
   A. advised     B. persuaded    C. suggested       D. frightened
27. Soon after the quakes, one thousand soldiers were sent out to ______ the miners from the coal mine.
   A. command   B. rescue       C. bury        D. request
28.My parents and I are flying to London for a holiday and I’ll ______ the chance to practice my spoken English.
   A. go through   B. make use of     C. be fond of        D. get tired of
29. Do you think shopping online will ________take the place of shopping in stores ?
 A. sincerely      B. frequently        C. fluently              D. finally 
30. ----Did you see the film ______ was shown last night? 
 --- Yeah, it was really wonderful.
   A. who               B. what          C. which              D. it
英語學習  http://www.e-deep.com.cn/english/
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