
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)      2024-07-20         





高三5月模擬考試英語參考答案(A 卷)
1---5 CAABC  6---10 BCACB  11---15 CCBAB  16---20 ACBAB  21---25 CBAAB  26---30 DCDCD  31---35 BDCBB  36---40 CGBEF  41---45 CBAAD 46---50 BBDAC  51---55 BDCBC   56---60 DDCAA 
1---5 AABBC  6---10 ACACB  11---15 CABAB  16---20 BCBAB  21---25 DBAAB  26---30 BCDAD  31---35 BDCAB  36---40 CGBEF  41---45 CBAAD 46---50 BBDAC  51---55 BDCBC   56---60 DDCAA 
requirements  62. reasonable   63. can   64. If  65. will be expected/ are expected  
66. shared  67. living   68. what  69. within  70. less

   The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bikes.  My brother rode with me
 sit on the seat behind. As we came to ^first crossroads a young man and a girl walked up 
sitting                          the                           
and stopped me. “We’ve got you at last.” They said happy.  And we didn't know
          us                              happily  But
 them. At no time the young man gave us his explanation. He pointed to the policeman
 and said, “It is he ^stopped us about half an hour ago and made us to catch the next 
               who             去掉to                       
offender. So come on, stand here. Hope you don't have to wait as long as we do. 
Good luck.”  

Possible version:
Dear Bob,
  I'm so glad to learn that you're coming to our city in July. 
  I’ve found a suitable flat for you. It is on Chao Yang street and Bus No. 5 can take you there. Maybe there is only one stop from the flat to Hua Wen school so it is very convenient for you go there on foot. The flat is 60 square meters, in which there is a bathroom, a bed, a sofa ,a desk and a chair. By the way, the rent is 800 yuan per moth. I hope the flat can meet your needs. if not, please tell me and I will try to look for another flat for you. 
    Looking forward to your coming.
                                                                 Li Hua

英語學(xué)習(xí)  http://www.e-deep.com.cn/english/
陽光考試網(wǎng)    考試資訊分享    m.yggk.net             [責(zé)任編輯:陽光學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)]
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