
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)      2024-07-20         





1. Lily and I are good friends,             often help each other.
  A. You               B. We             C. They             D. She
2. — Do you want something to drink?
  — Yes.           , please.
  A. Some bread       B. Some tea         C. A hamburger     D. Some rice
3. March is           month of the year.
  A. third             B. three           C. the three         D. the third
4. My father will be back           May.
  A. in               B. at               C. on               D. from
5. Nina, you look much           than when I saw you last year.
  A. tall             B. taller           C. tallest           D. the tallest
6. —             is your little brother like?
  — He's lovely.
  A. What             B. Where           C. Who             D. Which
7. There isn't             meat in the fridge.
  A. some             B. few               C. many             D. any
8. — When shall we go to the museum, today or tomorrow?
  —             are OK.
  A. Both             B. All             C. Either           D. Neither
9. I           many new friends since I came here.
  A. make             B. was making       C. will make         D. have made
10. Get up early,           you'll miss the bus.
  A. so               B. and             C. but               D. or
11. My grandfather doesn't know           to use a computer.
  A. what           B. who             C. how             D. which
12. Please tell him           dinner with us.
  A. have             B. to have           C. having           D. had
13. — Mum, can I watch TV now?
  — No, you           . It's too late.
  A. can't             B. needn't           C. won't             D. wouldn't
14. — What shall we do tomorrow?
  — How about           trees?
  A. planting         B. to plant           C. plant             D. planted
15.           your coat. It's cold outside.
  A. Look at         B. Take off         C. Put on           D. Hang up
16. We             a party next weekend. I hope you can come.
  A. have             B. will have         C. had               D. would have
17. I enjoy           basketball after school.
  A. play             B. played           C. playing           D. to play
18. — What a nice watch it is!
  — It's my birthday present. It           in America.
  A. make                                 B. makes
  C. is making                             D. is made
19. — What are your students doing now?
  — They           football. Let's go and have a look.
  A. are playing                           B. will play
  C. is playing                             D. were playing
20. —             Where's the bus stop?
  — It's over there.
  A. Thank you       B. Excuse me       C. All right         D. Sorry
英語學(xué)習(xí)  http://www.e-deep.com.cn/english/

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