
學習頻道    來源: 陽光學習網      2024-07-20         

1-5  BDABD     6-10  CCBAD
11-15  BACDA   16-20  DCBAC
21-25  ABCDA   26-30  BDCAB  31-35CDABC  36-40  DABCD
41-45  ADBCA   46-50  CBACD  51-55 CDABD  56-60  DBACD  61-65  BCDCA
66. Breath-testing can be used to test something. /Doctors can test one’s breath to find about his illness.
67. It takes much less time and it is much more convenient. /It takes only seconds and it neither needs a needle nor a container. 
68. Breath-testing is reliable (because one’s chemical pattern from breath doesn’t change). /The results of breath-testing won’t be influenced by what one eats.
69. Because one’s breath contains lots of “metabolites” which vary from person to person. /Because every person’s breath contains different metabolites. /Because people’s breath differs/ is different. 
70. to breathe/ to keep breathing / to breathe through a special instrument
Dear Mr Pearson,
I am writing you to apply for the membership of the English Tutorial. 
As a Senior Grade 3 student, I think I’m doing well in English because I always get good marks in the written English tests. But still I think I am not a perfect learner because I’m not so good at spoken English, and that is what troubles me most. And when I listen to native speakers, I find it hard to catch what they talk about. And when I speak English, I often make some mistakes. So, I want to be a member in the speaking tutorial so that I can improve my spoken English and communicate better with others. I’m sure I’ll do much better in it with your help. Believe me.
   Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming 
英語學習  http://www.e-deep.com.cn/english/
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