
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來(lái)源: 食品工程與生物技術(shù)學(xué)院簡(jiǎn)介      2024-03-16       本文受益:      


天津科技大學(xué)食品工程與生物技術(shù)學(xué)院簡(jiǎn)介 食品工程與生物技術(shù)學(xué)院,創(chuàng)建于1958年,F(xiàn)有食品科學(xué)與工程一級(jí)學(xué)科博士點(diǎn)(涵蓋食品科學(xué)、農(nóng)產(chǎn)品加工及貯藏工程二級(jí)學(xué)科博士點(diǎn)),另有制糖工程、生物技術(shù)與食品工程等2個(gè)二級(jí)學(xué)科博士學(xué)位授權(quán)點(diǎn);食品科學(xué)與工程一級(jí)學(xué)科碩士點(diǎn)(涵蓋食品科學(xué)、農(nóng)產(chǎn)品加工及貯藏工程、糧油、油脂及植物蛋白工程、水產(chǎn)品加工及貯藏工程二級(jí)學(xué)科碩士點(diǎn)),另有營(yíng)養(yǎng)與食品衛(wèi)生學(xué)、生物化學(xué)與分子生物學(xué)、制糖工程等3個(gè)二級(jí)學(xué)科碩士學(xué)位授權(quán)點(diǎn);輕工技術(shù)與工程一級(jí)學(xué)科博士后科研流動(dòng)站、食品科學(xué)與工程一級(jí)學(xué)科博士后流動(dòng)站、食品加工工程中心博士后科研工作站、有食品科學(xué)與工程、食品質(zhì)量與安全、生物技術(shù)3個(gè)本科專(zhuān)業(yè)和乳品工程、糧油工程2個(gè)專(zhuān)業(yè)方向。 









College of Food Engineering and Biotechnology

College brief introduction

  College of Food Engineering and Biotechnology (CFEB) in Tianjin University of Science and Technology was founded in 1958. The college has post-doctoral workstation for the following 3 disciplines: light industrial technology and engineering, food science and engineering, food processing and engineering. The college has 4 doctorate-granting disciplines: food science, sugar engineering, biotechnology and food engineering, agricultural products processing and storage; The college also has 7 master degree granting disciplines: food science, nutrition and food hygiene, agricultural products processing and storage, biochemistry and molecular biology, cereals and oil, grease and vegetable protein engineering, seafood processing and storage. Tere are 5 bachelor degree granting disciplines in the college: food science and engineering, food quality and safety, biotechnology, dairy engineering, grain and oil engineering. 


  There are more than 700 graduate, 1250 undergraduate students studying in CFEB. CFEB has been actively introducing talents in China and oversea to improve the teachers’ academic level since university changed its name. Now the faculty in the college are 100, 29 are professors,18 are associate professors; 2 professors were awarded "New Century Talents Project Baiqianwan", 2 were awarded "New Century Excellent Talents", 10 were awarded "Haihe scholar". More than 80% of full-time faculty have the Ph.D. degrees. 

Professional training

  CFEB adheres to provide students modern education by using modern educational techniques to enhance quality management, to broaden students’ version on the engineering profession, to cultivate the students’ knowledge, ability and quality as a whole development. A group of respected, knowledgeable professors has become the models for students. A large number of doctors, postdoctors and senior visiting scholars oversea come to CFEB, they implant the students in our college the updated knowledge in the world. CFEB also provide students opportunities on international academic exchanges by the exchanging professors, regular lectures and academic communication. 

Hardware facilities

  School has 1 Food Processing Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education, 1 Key Laboratory for Food Nutrition and Safety of Ministry of Education, 1 Tianjin Food Processing and Engineering Research Center, 1 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety, 2 experimental teaching laboratories of provincial and Ministry union. "Food Science" was treated as Tianjin "most important" building disciplines in "Tenth Five-Year" period. In recent years, the college completed the projects from National Development and Reform Commission, National Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation, the Ministry of Education and many other national and provincial or ministerial level projects, and achieved more than 50 state-level teaching and scientific research, some of the achievements reached top level in China or internation. 

Future Prospect

  Biology will be most promising discipline in 21st century, food science and technology has the great opportunities to develope, but the development of science and technology need education in this field come first, so the faculty and students in CFEB are full of enthusiasm, high morale, excellent work vigor, to meet new classmates coming!

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